Compliance Attends NAHMA Affordable Housing Conference
Thank you for the contributions to last week's trivia! The question asked, what is the saying to remember DQWNAFS when speaking to prospects on the phone? Bonus: List the all of the words associated with DQWNAFS! The answer is D airy Q ueen W ho N eeds A F rappe S oon. The words associated are: D escription, Q ualifying, W ebsite, N eeds, A ppointment, F ollow-up, and S ource. Fern Mullen, Program Compliance Manager, recently traveled to Washington, D. C. to attend the NAHMA Top Issues in Affordable Housing Conference at the Fairmont Washington hotel. NAHMA stands for National Affordable Housing Management Association. According to the NAHMA website , it, " is the leading voice for affordable housing management, advocating on behalf of multifamily property managers and owners whose mission is to provide quality affordable housing." Fern learne...